Barry Holst received
a B.A. degree in physics from Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y.
He did post‑graduate study in Electrical Engineering at Drexel
University, Philadelphia, PA. He worked in
design and development of high voltage products, including partial
discharge test equipment, for several years with
Biddle Instruments.
this design experience, he transferred into Biddle Instruments
department, where he held various marketing and sales responsibilities
for many high
voltage products including partial discharge test systems, capacitance
dissipation factor [i.e. power factor or Tan d] test systems, high
voltage AC & DC dielectric test systems, impulse [BIL] generators
and other test and
measuring equipment. During this period he learned techniques for
successfully marketing highly technical products
for specialized applications.
In the course of
his responsibilities with Biddle Instruments, then AVO International,
he traveled both
nationally and internationally to test labs, factories and field
installations of
major industrial power apparatus manufacturers and electric
This included manufacturers of large power transformers, distribution
transformers, instrument transformers [PT’s & CT’s], bushings,
insulators, switchgear, surge arrestors, rotating machines, power
capacitors, power cables,
etc. In addition to the power apparatus industry, D. Barry Holst
also worked with the aerospace & defense
industry and its suppliers of high quality electronic components.
In these industries, partial discharge
testing is used as a design & development tool, a production
assurance tool and as a preventive maintenance tool.
this period, he worked closely with Engineering Managers, Quality
Control Managers and
Test Engineers of client companies to specify and configure test
suitable for a wide variety of testing applications. He also
worked extensively with client’s engineers on installation,
commissioning, minimizing interference and optimizing the grounding for
these test systems.
Barry Holst has expertise from 40 years experience in the areas of
Partial Discharge measurements; recognition &
interpretation of partial discharge signal patterns; recognition of
interference patterns; the
application of on-line partial discharge monitoring techniques to
machines; RIV [Radio Influence Voltage] testing of power apparatus; BIL
Impulse Level] testing of power apparatus; Power Factor [i.e.
Factor or Tan d] testing of power apparatus; techniques for optimizing
the layout and
grounding of HV test areas; techniques to control and minimize damaging
transients in HV test areas; techniques to control and minimize
interference with
partial discharge measurements.
the course of his work at Biddle & AVO
International, Mr. Holst has been involved with the application of
software techniques to Biddle & AVO products.
When working with BIL test equipment, he became familiar with
techniques for recording and analyzing BIL waveforms.
In the course of working with IRIS, a manufacturer of on-line partial
discharge measuring systems for rotating machines, he became familiar
with on-line partial discharge measuring systems and the software used
analyze and diagnose the condition of a rotating machine.
Holst was a member of the lecturing staff of the Biddle
Technical School for over 20 years, during which time he presented the
material concerning the recognition of partial discharge signal
recognition of interference patterns and techniques for controlling
interference in HV test areas. The Biddle
Technical School Course on Partial Discharge Testing was presented
twice a year
to classes ranging in size from 15 to 25.
The students were tuition paying attendees from companies around the
is a Life
Member of IEEE, and has served on IEEE, IEC and ICEA working groups for
partial discharge [corona] test specifications. This includes
IEC60270 Partial Discharge Measurements, ICEA
T-24-380 Guide for Partial Discharge Test Procedure & IEEE 436-1977
for Making PD Measurements on Electronics Transformers. He has
also authored and coauthored several
papers on topics dealing with high voltage testing techniques
“Partial Discharge
Testing of
High-Voltage Insulation”
“Insulation Testing
Large Rotating
“Partial Discharge
Liquid-Filled Transformers”
“Partial Discharge
Testing Dry-type
“Partial Discharge
Measurements in
400Hz Systems”
“Partial Discharge
Tests- new
detector facilitates routine testing”
“The Reasons for
Transient Ground
Potential Rise and Recommended Control Techniques”
his retirement, Mr.
Holst has founded the company “HV Test Technology, Inc.” [HVTT] which
seeks to
provide technical assistance to clients involved in the high voltage
industry with a special emphasis on support of Biddle Partial Discharge
Test Systems. |